by: John C Vincent
Here's an email I sent to one of my "prospective students", his name has been deleted from this article for his privacy:
Believe it or not ... building an opt-in email list is STEP 1, not the website.
Don't make the same mistake 95% of marketers make.
Your Three Top priorities...Right NOW are to:
build your list
Build Your List
No ifs ands or buts!
Firstly, you must Create a Splash Page with a free offer that will entice "your particular" niche enthusiasts to give you their name and email address.
In all reality, your own personal website can come later.
At this time (the beginning of your marketing career) Don't concern yourself with anything else but List Building.
Your Website:
Now you can create your website. So your 2nd concern is generating traffic to that website when it is finally created.
Writing Articles, Joining Forums in your niche, Linking are some of the free ways to accomplish traffic generation.
More on the techniques and strategies concerning the above will come later.
Next Step
So you have your website and the next question should be:
What should you have on every page of that website????
Answer: An Opt-in form.
I'm as serious as a Heart Attack and a MAJOR Stroke combined. Your Opt-in Form should be on every page of your website, it gives the surfer/visitor multiple chances to Opt-in to your service, free report, eCourse etc.
I don't know what you've been told in the past but the above steps Blows Everything Else Out Of The Water when creating a presence on the internet and garnering Opt-ins.
Another issue: Your Affiliate Website
This is not your website ... it's the Company's Website ... you want to create your own presence, your own piece of internet Real-Estate ...not The Affiliate's Program "Website".
Think about it...whose being promoted on this site? Is it a great Program? I hope so ... but don't hit me, the prospect, with it initially. Treat a prospect like a First Date. On your first date with a beautiful young lady, does she pay for dinner, does she pay for a very posh restaurant meal, does she pay for the theater tickets, concert tickets etc.?
Of course not ... you pay pal lol
The same is somewhat true with a our offer a HIGH VALUED FREEBIE in exchange for their name and email address...if they have your opt-in.
Once they're on your list you can then inform them about your Affiliate Website(s). Better yet, you can send them to your very own website which includes links to the various Affiliate Programs you belong to.
Your affiliate page is not your business and it is not your website. Why waste your time and money on building someone else's business? Even if you never get a single sign-up, they will benefit greatly from having thousands of reps like yourself advertising their business.
And the other reason is that affiliate pages are very rarely good sales pages, which means you need to sell people first, before you send them to your affiliate page.
Do NOT promote your affiliate link directly in your ads.
Send people FIRST to your OWN website or splash page and GIVE them valuable information that THEY need. Free valuable information that they can use be it a free report, free eCourse, free software etc.
It's an indisputable fact that your response and your profits from whatever you are promoting will multiply if you promote it via YOUR OWN website or splash page.
(Mentioned that he may create a "How To" WebSite)
One other thing...if you create a "How to make money on the internet" website, make sure you're "really" making money on the internet LOL
The "WHY" is simple:
Excuse the tone of this email but this is how I tutor my students. There's a heck of a lot I could tell you but the above is the MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENTS if you want to succeed on the internet.
It Ain't a Website
It Ain't SEO (important but not as important)
It Ain't an Affiliate Program
It Ain't a Great Product
It Ain't even traffic to your website.(more on that later)
It Ain't (insert whatever you think it is) LOL!!!
It's none of those...without a list, a targeted Opt-in Email List you will fail in internet marketing. If there is a Secret to internet marketing and guaranteed success... The "Targeted" List Is It.
I hope this little note places you on the right track...I don't want you to waste anymore time...Start Building Your List "Correctly" and you'll never look back...
About The Author
John C. Vincent, CEO of The Opt In Marketing System Web-site provides easy-to-follow, free guidelines on how to build a massive Opt-in list that continuously makes you money online. Content Rich.