Sunday, May 21, 2006

How To Set Up Your Landing Page

By Karl Stadler

We are all working our butts off, or so we think, trying to make a living or an extra income on the internet. Many of you are affiliate marketers promoting someone else's products, through your web pages, websites or PPC campaigns.

I am quite sure that you have heard by now that you have to use landing pages in your marketing efforts. You may, or may not, have given it a look or a thought, but few have implemented this useful marketing tool.


It is extra work, you are very busy just getting your ads to work never mind tracking, doing split testing and priming every other ad to get the best results for your money. Which of course is the way to do it.

But think for a moment, if you could half this work, take 25% off your costs, and still make 25% to 50% more profit, would you be interested?

That is the beauty of landing pages. At the beginning you will have to put more time and effort in creating and refining them, but once you've got it all up and running you can certainly expect more profits.

The basic purpose of a landing page is to gather email addresses and build your list. The list is where the money is, all successful internet marketers will tell you that.

By building a list through landing pages you will gain the knowledge of who the people are that are interested in a specific type of product or service.

So the next time you market a new product in this line, you already have interested people who can easily become customers.

So you see, the landing page is an essential tool in any marketers arsenal of marketing armory.

Now let's look at the elements of a landing page.

The all important heading.

It has the same purpose here as on a sales page, you have to catch the attention of the reader to read on.

* A sub-heading leading your prospect into the page.

* A short sales message containing 5 to 10 benefits of the product you are


* A submission form where he or she can enter their details.

* After submission they are taken to the sales page.

So,. how am I going to write a sales letter on my page asking for a name and email address?

The best way of going about this is to offer something for free, a report, ebook, some useful software, subscription to a newsletter, anything relating to the product you are selling.

Lets look at an example of a landing page for a new keyword analyzing software program.

In Search Of That Perfect Keyword Phrase Getting All The Sales?

The headline catches the visitors attention and also qualifies him for the product.

How would you feel if I told you now you can:

* Find out how many others are using the same word you are aiming at.

* Know what they are paying in an instant.

* What you should bid to rank first.

* Know which phrases have the best sales conversion rates.

* And which keywords are just going to cost you money.

The bullet points highlight the important benefits the user can expect when he is using the software.

Get yourself in the FIRST place in the race for sales, and easily beat the top guns at their own game.

A summary of the bullet points again referring to the benefits

Just fill in your details to receive weekly tips on keyword analysis and how it can increase your sales. You will then immediately be redirected to 'Name Of Your Product'.

Your call to action. You ask for their details in exchange for their email address. The bonus or subscription will be of value to anyone who purchases this product and you say what will happen as soon as they submit so they know what to expect.

A very valid argument is that if I have a landing page that is not well written, a person landing on the page might just leave the entire site and could have purchased if he or she was sent straight to the sales page.

If this is your feeling there is a way around this problem. If you feel uncertain about your writing or asking someone to give you their email address, just add a button with text below the form saying something like 'click here to go directly to the product page'.

Be assured though that by building your list will ensure more customers and sales for your products. It will also give you the opportunity to get to know and communicate with your subscribers.

Don't obliterate them with product emails every day, only send them quality products addressing their specific needs, that you either use yourself, or know is good, and write a small review on how it has helped you solving a certain problem.

Long term good relations with your subscribers will turn into good long term good relationships with paying clients.

Many of you might still be scared to make use of landing pages. If you are still one of this group you are sending a lot of money to someone else's account.

Karl Stadler is a author and internet marketer.

Article Source:

Are You Going Where You Want to Go?

By Brook Montagna

How is your year so far? After good momentum from New Year's resolutions, and several months of hard work, it's a great time for a healthy review of action steps and results. This renewal process will help you curb tendencies towards burn out, and help you refocus on the path to success.

But First, Ban the Inner Critic!

In order to have fun while you conduct an effective review and renewal of your goals, first silence the Inner Critic - that negative inner voice that dishes out guilt for all the things you should have done, could have done, or forgot to do.

Perhaps you can make a deal with your Inner Critic by explaining that every action (or inaction) taken so far, is just an `experiment'. And, we all know that every `experiment' has value, because there is always something learned from the results, even if it's how-not-to-do something. So, evaluate your year with the Inner Critic off duty by simply observing your results - what worked and what didn't, without self-judgment.

Are You Aiming for the Right Target?

Certain goals have been the focus of your attention over the past 4 months, and you have conducted some `experiments' with these goals. Before revising your action plans, you will want to know if your goals are still meaningful. By answering the following questions, you can refine, modify, add, or eliminate goals to renew your momentum and excitement about achievement.

* Is each goal still important and meaningful to me? Why or why not?
* Does each goal align with my values?
* Am I excited about each goal?
* Are there any goals that I want to achieve primarily for someone else?
* Based on my results so far, how can I modify a goal to be more clear, specific, and achievable?
* Do I need to break a goal into smaller goals?
* Is there an area of my life or career that lacks meaningful goals?

Using the answers to these questions, take the time to rewrite your goals in a way that is purposeful, useful, and visible to you on a daily basis.

Connecting the Dots from Here to There

Sometimes, efforts toward a goal lead to different results than expected or hoped for. For example, there may have been little or no follow through on planned action steps. Or, there was great follow through, but the progress was disappointing. Rather than get caught up in the disappointment or frustration, it helps to look for the valuable lessons that can be extracted from the results of each `experiment'.

Answers to the following questions can be useful in creating your revised action plan. (Remember to ban the Inner Critic from participating in this review!)

* Which actions led to good results?
* Which actions gave no results?
* Which actions led to unsatisfactory results?
* Which actions did I enjoy?
* Which actions did I dislike?
* Which actions did I avoid?
* Which actions did I find difficult?
* Do I need to do something more or less frequently?
* Do I need new more effective action steps?
* Who or what can help me get better results?
* What would make taking action more fun?
* What would really make a difference in my motivation and ability to take action?
* Do I have increased feelings of boredom or fatigue?
* How well did I follow my self care program?

The answers to these questions will help you modify your action plan for better results, and a more enjoyable journey to success.

Mindful Acknowledgment

Now take a look at the areas where you have been most successful this year.

Acknowledge yourself for every effort you have made over the past 4 months, regardless of the outcome. For some, just getting through tough times was quite an accomplishment. Recognize and celebrate the ways you showed up for life, and congratulate yourself for all you have done. Take time to fully experience the sense of accomplishment for each and every success, no matter how large or small.

Picture Your Success

With renewed goals and revised action plans, you can increase momentum and excitement by frequently visualizing your success. You can even write out your own success story to help you stay committed and focused on your goals.

This renewal process is available every day of the year to keep the dreams alive!

Brook Montagna coaches individuals, partners, and groups to excellence in their personal and professional lives. Her free newsletter,

The Mindful Life, is dedicated to helping people live mindfully and create enjoyable success. or 760-479-1868

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

10 Tips on How to Increase Your Website Traffic

Not so long ago I had read an article about a woman who dramatically increased her page ranking from article submissions on her new website. That that was a fact I already knew, just like many other Internet Marketers. However, that article was the needed inspiration I needed for me to make some changes with my daily online business habits.

Since I started studying the changes in my online traffic, the effects on adding content to your website and the change in search engine rankings, I've learned the importance of writing what you know and sharing it with others out there on the Internet.

I never took submitting and writing articles on a consistent basis too seriously when I first started my home based business. Part of the reason was because I was not confident enough to share what I knew with others. Sure I posted a few articles, but I never posted those articles to as many directories and ezines that would accept my article.

Now before you go about thinking it might NOT be necessary to write an article periodically, take a look at some of the facts I have taken more seriously and learned as a result of posting articles online.

10 Benefits Of Submitting Articles Online:

1. Posting an article online has more of a dramatic affect than one might think for your home based business. Posting articles online builds the needed momentum of website traffic in the form of increased popularity and other sites linking to your site. All of those sites linking to you are one way links!

2. As you begin to submit more articles to more directories, your list of places for submitting articles will keep expanding.

3. Submitting to websites regularly will add more popularity to your website. This is the easiest way to improved your link popularity as well as your increased website traffic.

4. Most directories usually will let you include a resource box with your name and your website link with your article. Your website address will be found every time someone reads your article, creating more one way links to your site.

5. Most article directory websites store submitted articles in their archives. Since the search engine spiders love content, these sites are crawled often. This means YOU will benefit from the traffic and hyperlinks from each of your archived articles on their website.

6. The more articles you consistently write and distribute, the more you will become known as an expert for your home based business. The more you provide informative articles, your business will be given extra credibility which will help you to compete against your competition.

7. The more exposure your articles get for you, the more you will see your content showing up all over the Internet. Increasing the level of awareness and popularity builds credibility. Increased credibility may lead to requests to write other articles and improved sales of your product or service.

8. The more articles that you submit to major article directories, the more likely your content will be used for wider publication. The main reason why this occurs is because many newsletter and ezine publishers like to use article directories to search for good quality content for their articles.

9. Adding content that is useful for both the readers and to the search engines will gain in your website popularity. By posting your articles in popular directories, you are more likely to be chosen for a featured article in a newsletter and have several webmasters republish your article on their website.

10. If you have a blog or RSS syndication, you should submit your articles written in your blog to article directories. The most overlooked source of traffic for a blog is through article submission. You can turn your longer posts into articles and submit them to ezines or directories.

In Summary, make sure each article is written to inform and appeal to the reader, so that they are getting useful information from you. Once you start writing articles, be more systematic about submitting new ones on a regular basis so they built momentum.

You will find the articles already posted have been hard at work for me because they are free advertising from other people to post on their web sites. You will start getting the traffic and attention you'd been wishing for in months to come.

Best of luck in your writing endeavors,

Jennifer Schilling

Copyright © 2005 Jennifer Schilling

Sunday, May 14, 2006

7 Reasons Why People Have Bad Results With Traffic Exchanges

1.) They present the Wrong Offer. People using the traffic exchanges
are only interested in one thing, getting more traffic to their website.
You need to show them how to get More Free Traffic to their websites,
how to pull more orders from their websites, how to get more people to
sign up to their list�

2.) They try to make Direct Sales. Traffic Exchanges are HORRIBLE for
making direct sales. All surfers care about is clicking on to the next
website in order to earn a credit. You need to stop thinking in terms of
sales and start thinking in terms of �leads.� The only way to use the
traffic exchanges is to get the lead and follow up when the prospect has
more time to view your offer.

3.) They use Long Copy. The longest anyone is really going to view your
page is thirty seconds at the most. Some exchanges have twenty second
timers. You need to capture your prospects attention in the shortest
amount of time and get them to opt-in. Once you get them to opt-in, your
emails can be as long as you need them to be.

4.) They use Boring Copy. Hi, thank you for visiting my website. You'll
find multiple business opportunities� NEXT Site� You need to have an in
your face headline. The surfer is in a daze. All he cares about is
clicking to the next site and earning a credit. The last thing you want to
do is bore him.

Create your best headline, use a shocking photo that really gets the
surfer's attention, use quick bullets of your best points and get them to
opt in.

5.) They don't Use a Pop Up. Many exchanges allow you to use 1 pop up.
This is one more time someone will see your campaign. I know they�re
annoying but they work. Use an �exit� pop up if you're worried about
losing a subscriber because they don't like pop ups. He will have all
ready signed up by the time he got it.

6.) They Give Up too soon. You won�t see results over night. In order
to be successful with Traffic Exchanges you need to devote some time. I
say atleast an hour a day. I do it while I watch the Simpsons. It isn't
brain surgery but you do need to be persistent.

7.) They don't Build Downlines. The only way to get a swarm of traffic
is to build a downline in the programs that you use and earn a
percentage of the surfing of your downline. For more information on how to do
this, see my free ebook "The Traffic Exchange Bible".

John Karnish is the author of The Traffic Exchange Bible.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

10 Cool Ways To Attract People To Your Website

Copyright 2005 Keith Gloster

So, you've completed your first website and are now anxiously waiting with anticipation for all those targeted web site visitors to arrive.

"If you build it, they will come." right? No!

Building your web site is the easy part. Promoting your web site and establishing your online presence requires a whole lot of patience and creativity to make your site "stickier".

Here are 10 cool and creative ways to keep people coming to your website again and again.

1. Give people a free subscription to your e-zine. Almost everyone is publishing a e-zine nowadays so it's important to give something extra with the free subscription. You could offer a free gift or advertising when people subscribe.

2. Provide your visitors with free content. Your content will be more attractive to your visitors if it's up-to-date or original. You could also offer people the option to reprint the content in their e-zine or web site.

3. Offer a free online directory. The directory could be full of interesting ebooks, e-zines, web sites etc. If people find your directory to be a valuable resource they will visit it over and over.

4. Give your visitors a free ebook. You could also include your own ad in the ebook and allow other people to give it away. If you don't want to take the time to write one, you could ask other writers permission to use their articles.

5. Hold free online classes or seminars. They could be held in your web site's chat room. The idea of "live" information will definitely entice people to visit your web site. You will become known as an expert on the topic.

6. Give visitors a free entry into your contest or sweepstakes. The prizes should be something of interest or value to your visitors. Most people who enter will continually revisit your web site to get the results.

7. Let visitors download free software. It could be freeware, shareware, demos etc. You could even turn part of your site into a free software directory. If you created the software, include your ad inside and let other people give it away.

8. Offer free online services or utilities from your web site. They could be search engine submitting,copy writing proofreading etc. The service or utility should be helpful to your target audience.

9. Give free consulting to people who visit your web site. You could offer your knowledge via e-mail or by telephone. People will consider this a huge value because consulting fees can be very expensive.

10. Give your visitors a free membership to your online club. People want to belong to something, why not your online club. You could also give away a free e-zine for club members only.

Use these 10 simple marketing tips for your website to keep people coming back for more. Create your brand, Build trust and establish your online presence.
About the author:

Keith Gloster provides advice on effective traffic and lead generation tools and techniques. For more creative strategies on permission-based direct email marketing,traffic and lead generation, and to claim some valuable bonuses, you can subscribe to his popular newsletter at:

7 Steps Of Mega Adsense Earners

The Google AdSense program is like finding money in the street.

Kids in High School are making thousands of dollars a month with Adsense... Housewives, Retiree's, Mom and Pop's who've never made a dime on the Internet have created full time incomes by simply placing AdSense Ads on their web site or blog.

Then you have the "Super AdSense" earners. We have all heard of them... the Elite few who are on track to make half a million dollars a year or more promoting AdSense sites.

Do not be mistaken though... these people are not building like your Mom and Pop's do. They have systems in place that create sites for them... people who build sites for them... they have outsourced and automated many of the tedious tasks such as posting to blogs and searching for keywords.

While most people cannot emulate everything these Super AdSense earners do... many of them you can.

Here are 7 Required Steps you can implement today to copy their success.

1) Starting today... treat your AdSense business like it is a REAL business and track what you do.

Begin tracking what you are doing that works... as well as what you are doing that does not work. This will keep you from making the same mistakes over and over, and you can repeat the steps that have worked in the past. As simple as this step seems... most people do not know the reason(s) to their success or failure.

2) Utilize the latest tools and software available.

The Super AdSense earners are not any smarter than your average person. I know many people think they are... but for the most part, they are regular non techie people.

They are smarter in one respect though... they use the latest tools available to them to automate most of the tasks involved with researching and creating sites. They use the latest keyword, site creation and search engine optimization tools available. The tools they use are their secret weapons.

3) Quit chasing the Mega Dollar keywords.

You cannot compete with the search engine experts who create sites for the $80 payout keywords. You may get lucky every now and then... but in the long run, you are better off building sites for the low to mid range payout keywords. The competition is less, and your chance of success is much higher over the long term.

4) Choose broad niches and break it down.

Choose a broad subject as your main theme (lets use computers for an example). From there... break it down into as many sub niches as possible.

Using Computers as the example... you could build sub niches/sites like laptop computers, computer hard drives, computer keyboards, etc, etc. You could literally build hundreds of sites around one major theme and stay totally focused. Once you have exhausted every possible sub niche of that major theme... choose another main theme and repeat the process.


Keep your sites easy to navigate and forget the fancy graphics that distract your visitors attention. Unless you are just building AdSense sites for the fun of it and to impress your friends... the purpose of having the site is to have people click on one of the ads, right? Then keep the site layout simple... dump the scrolling banners, dancing chickens and colored scroll bars... they are distractions.

6) What is the purpose of your web site?

Your web site cannot be everything to everybody. If you have a full fledged ecommerce site, with products for sale... links to other products, it is not a good site for AdSense. If the primary focus of the site is to sell products... let it do that.

Do not distract or confuse your visitor with to many options or choices. The best AdSense sites are AdSense only content sites that sell nothing. They are sites that "Tell"... not "Sell."

7) Be consistent.

This is not one of those deals where you build one site and you are done. Refer back to Step #4. You must continuously build in order to be successful.

Think of it as planting a crop that you will harvest in a month or two, and the sites you build are seeds. Once the seeds have grown and matured... you will reap the harvest. The more seeds you plant... the larger the harvest.

To sum it up... utilize the tools available to automate as much of the process of building sites - doing research and building keyword lists as you can. This alone will help keep you organized and on track. Be consistent in building... treat it like the business it is and you will reap the rewards of your harvest.

Andrew Daum is the Publisher of the New Traffic Tools Newsletter. You can subscribe by visiting his web site at; and receive updates when the latest to be released traffic building software is available.

Friday, May 05, 2006

How To Keep Your Online Home Business Organized

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the wealth of information that you find on the Internet? Do you feel that all the information that you need to keep your online home business running effectively is getting out of hand? Well you are definitely in good company. Each and every person that tries to make a living online will experience some kind of information overload.

The good news is that I am about to reveal to you a powerful way to keep things organized. Basically you need to things: (1) you need a powerful organizing and filing system and (2) you need the discipline to keep the system going. I would like to address both issues in this article. I am going to give you a very practical and simple way of organizing your information and a way to keep the system going.

Let us start with the organizing system. My answer to an organizing system for your online home business is a very simple one. You need to create a mini-website for your business. This site need not be fancy. It only needs to be functional. I used Microsoft FrontPage to setup my own organizing website. If you cannot use a program like FrontPage use Microsoft Word or a similar program and save your pages as web pages. I cannot give you a blueprint of how you should organize your information. You will need to find a way to categorize and sort the information you have about your business yourself. It is not difficult though. Take a piece of paper and make a list of all the categories that you can think of that will help you organize your information. Just brainstorm that for a moment. After you have brainstormed the main categories take a new piece of paper and write homepage at the top. Now write the main categories of your organizing website below the word “homepage”. If there are any sub-categories that you would like to add beneath the main categories fill them in also. Now you have a template from which to build your organizing website. Use the main categories as the menu of your website. You will also create a webpage for each of the main categories. Now create links between your organizing homepage and the web pages of the main categories. Create links on the main category web pages to the sub-categories that you identified.

Now you need to sift through all the info that you have about your business and put them in the appropriate categories. Here is how. You need to create a folder on your computer to organize the system. Create a folder with the name of your online home business. Place your homepage and the web pages of the main categories in this folder. Now create sub-folders in your online home business folder for each of the main categories. After you have done this start to transfer all your info about your business to one of these folders. Create hyperlinks on the appropriate web pages to these pieces of information. I know that this will take some time in the beginning, but in the long run it will save you lots of frustration and time.

Here are some additional tips. Include the following pieces of information somewhere in your organizing system. Your business and life goals. Your weekly schedule. I also have an action steps webpage where I type in the action steps I need to take the next day. Include an accounting system for your business. I use Microsoft Excel. If I get a web address that contains useful info I make a link to that site somewhere in my organizing website. I also make links to the pages that I have to visit frequently on my homepage. When I want to surf the net I open my organizing webpage first of all and click on the links to access them quickly. If you build a organizing webpage make sure that the link open in a new window so that your organizing website stay open in the background. Here is an example of what the HTML code should look like: target="_blank" href="" The target=”_blank” is the piece of HTML that cause the link to open in a new page. Be creative as you could be and play around with the system. It is great fun!

Now you need to keep the system going. Let me give a few suggestions. Set aside some time each day for admin and use it to keep your system updated. I use a flash disk to store the new info that I retrieved from the internet. Each day I sort through this info on my flash disk and transfer them to the appropriate folders in my organizing website and create the necessary links. I do not link all the info though, but if a particular piece of info is of great importance I always link it to one of the web pages in the organizing website. Usually I download web pages that have useable information and link them to my organizing web pages. In that way I am building a wealth of information that I can access easily to refresh my memory about a particular subject in my business. I hope these few ideas will be useful to you.

About The Author: My name in Roux Malan. Visit my website to download a free e-book of 325 pages on internet marketing. Go to the freebie section.

Article Source:

Monday, May 01, 2006

4 Cheaper Ways to get Visitors to your Website

This introduction to getting more traffic to your website without spending a lot of money is what any business on the internet strives towards and we will cover the basics, which will be followed by a more focused look at other ways to get traffic to your site in subsequent articles.
Anonymous to many there are a few ways of attracting visitors to your site that do not require risking a lot of cash. But consider the fact it's not that simple and takes more work on your part. So, if you prefer to work to get traffic to your website, instead of paying for it, then here are a few simple ways to accomplish that:
1. Submit to article directories is perhaps one of the most valuable ways of driving traffic to your website. By writing and submitting articles with a theme associated to your website, you are almost guaranteed of getting traffic to your website for an extended period of time. As long as your articles stays in the directories that you suggest to, people can find it and the odds of receiving traffic to your website is substantial. Some of the submission sites where you can submit to are,,, and
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a procedure that you apply on your web site pages to rank higher in the search engines. Search engine optimization is not hard to learn and there are several software applications that do a good job of SEO. Search engines first look at your meta tags to determine what your site is about. Here are a few key factors when preparing meta tags:
As you continue to read this article, pay special attention to how parts 1 and 2 relate to one another.
a) Your domain name should have your keyword in it.
b) Title tag for each page of your site should include your keyword.
c) Your keyword should be on the first paragraph of your page.
d) The image alt tags should include your keyword.
e) The directory and file names of each page of your site should also have your keyword.
3.Create a blog that links back to your website. Blog Posts at are readily indexed by Google and other search engines. By updating your blog you are feeding the search engines. and each time you put new content out, the search engines will spot it and th spiders will come. Putting your keywords in the content of your pages will help you rank higher in the search engines. By placing a link in your blog back to your site the search engines will follow the link and your site will get indexed and updated more often . Blogging is painless and it adds a lot of your web pages to the search engine index that and without these pages you will not be found on a keyword search, There are several places to get unlimited blog accounts started with some that are hosted free such as, Another popular blog application is that is hosted on your website.
4. Posting in forums relevant to your theme will give you the opportunity to place your links, to your products and services in the signature line, so you will get visitors from the forum members and search engine, that follow your link. Make sure the signatures you publish in forums are memorable to magnetize readers and make them click on your related link and come to your website.
These 4 marketing tactics are simple and cheaper ways of getting visitors to your website. By implementing the above strategies on a regular basis would warrant a flow of traffic not only for the brief term but also for the long haul.
Chet Holcomb of Internet Promotions Marketing Tools is a successful marketing expert providing advice for web marketers and webmasters on how to promote your website, or product using marketing tools that work. His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.
You may reprint this article only if all the authors information is kept intact.
Article Source:

Success Depends on Traffic Volumes

In their haste to tell people how easy it is to make money from an affiliate online business opportunity, many so called experts conveniently "forget" to tell folks how important the
level of traffic that your site receives is.
The truth is that you need fairly high levels of traffic to make money from any affiliate online business opportunity. Without enough traffic, it really does not matter what affiliate program you opt for or how lucrative your affiliate online business opportunity is.
Fortunately I discovered this secret and it helped me for a long time to ignore all the offers for high value Adsense keywords that are flying all over the net. Instead I spent the time figuring out how to get more traffic to my site. You need to do the same with your affiliate online business opportunity and ignore everything else but how to increase traffic to your site.
It is interesting that I have given an example with Adsense, because the program generally requires much lower traffic to start earning money for an affiliate than any other affiliate program on the net. One of the reasons is the fact that it is easier to get people to click at an ad than to make a purchase.
The Adsense program is therefore a good affiliate online business opportunity to start off with as you make an effort to build up traffic to a high enough level to start making serious affiliate commissions from your online business opportunity.
Learn more about the best home business opportunity from a blogger who rakes in thousands of dollars... and growing from their home business.
Article Source: