Friday, June 22, 2007

Traffic Exchanges Are a Waste of Time!

Have you ever heard someone say this in a forum or in an email
that came across your inbox? I know I have and every time it
makes me say to myself... these people don't know what they're
talking about.. or do they?

Sure if they're not using them correctly then it is a waste of time
for them. They're wasting their time using the TE's to advertise
because they don't know how to use them effectively.

On the other hand... they're not a waist of time to many people
because they do know how to use them effectively.

Today, I want go into the top 5 ways to use TE's effectively.

1. Start with the end in mind. If you want to provide a product
they want or desire to a surfer of a TE then you need to ask
yourself what they want?

What do most TE surfers want and desire? Well one things for
sure you know they want more traffic. You know they're using
the TEs to get more traffic... and you know they're goal is get
more people to their sites. I think I said the same thing 3 times. :D

That's an easy one... so is there a product that you own, promote
or can create that would be what they want or desire?

Let's say you come up with a product that will help them surf
in half the time they're doing now (that's not cheat software Smile ).
Or a new software tool that will help them manage all their TE
accounts for them.

Would that be something they would want or desire? You Bet!

So, that's something you have to keep in mind. Too many people
are promoting things in TEs that no one cares to buy or use.
That's another reason why promoting TEs in TEs works so well.
That's what the surfer is looking for #1... Traffic generating tools
or services.

Okay so let's say you have the coolest and newest tool that every
surfer has got to have... and they can afford to buy it. Now that's
half the battle and you've won that one before you even step onto
the battle field.

2. Create a Splash Page that lists the top benefits they want
and a catchy graphic that stops them dead in their tracks. Too
many people promote long sales pages in the TE's that people
just don't have the time to read while they're surfing. Remember
there goal while they surf is to generate traffic to their sites.

You have to catch their eye first by putting something in front of
them that will stop them dead in their tracks and then get them to
click over to your site from the Splash Page. That way you have
their undivided attention. Your headline needs to contain a sense
of urgency. It must tap into anticipation, desire, curiosity, and
other emotional hot buttons. It must have a call to action.

Keep in mind, once they click over to your site... it better be
something that interests them or they're gone for good and
chances are even if they see your page 1,000 more times
they won't ever click it again. Sad

3. Lead capture pages... these still work very well. If you give
them enough information to get their curiosity flowing, but not
enough for the whole enchilada, then you can get them to fill
out your lead capture page for more info, or to download a
free product. The secret here is to give them something they
would gladly pay for, but they don't have to since you're giving
it to them for free (plus that let's you know what they're interested
in... and means you can sell similar products to them later).

Now if you've captured their name and email to follow up with
them for a sale, then It's best from this point to send them some
follow up messages that will drip your sales messages over days
and weeks with the ability to buy the product at anytime through
out the emails you send them.

How many emails should you set up to go out? That's up to you...
if you test the emails and know that on day 3 of the emails 90% of
the subscribers buy, then you might not need to keep adding email
after email. Set up about 5 and add on if necessary. Keep testing
and find out what works or doesn't.

4. Squeeze Pages. This is a combination of both a Splash Page and
a Lead Capture Page in one. It gets the viewer to fill out the form and
once they do they get redirected to your sales page with a more open
mind because they just gave you their name and email for more info.

Then you can send them the follow up emails like the lead
capture page does. Just make sure if they buy your product
from the sales page that you stop sending them emails
especially if after a certain amount of messages you start
offering lower prices. You don't want upset customers knowing
they could have paid less for the product.

5. The Free Report... this is where you give them access right
to your Free Report. This can be great for the skeptics out there.
These are the people that have gotten burned from opting into too
many email lists and they aren't going to just give up their name
and email anymore. They get way too many emails as it is and
don't trust anyone.

So, adding a link to your Free Report right from a Splash Page
can help these people click over and get more comfortable with
you and what you're offering before they have to give out their info.
Then after they read the report, give them a way to opt-in for more

My suggestion to you is to first get something they want, then
second add all three methods to present the info through out the
TE's. Then third... test each one and see which generates the
highest return on investment.

Okay, now here's the most important tip in getting results from
promoting in the TE's.

After setting up a product you believe they will want, and implementing
all three advertising methods and sending about 10,000 unique visitors
to those pages... if you don't see people opt-in or get a sale... Then Stop!
That's it... quit wasting your time. You're right... Traffic Exchanges Are a
Waste of Time.

I bet that won't happen! Actually, I've had so much success using
the TE's I know that won't happen. And if it does...please let me
know and I will take the time to explain why it didn't happen and
show you what you did wrong or why it didn't work for you.

Don't believe me... prove me wrong today... I double dog dare ya! 8)

* * * * * * * * * *

You can use this article in your ezine or on your website as
long as the author resource box below is included.


Dan Moses is a 29-year old family man living in Redmond,
Oregon who came online over seven years ago, and like most
of us, planned to set out on a journey of finding his riches
on the Internet. Of course, he quickly realized it wasn't as
easy as most would have you believe. But that didn't stop
Dan... Throughout his journeys he has become quite the
entrepreneur by owning and operating over 10 sites online,
the most popular being... Recommended Links:,,,

Dan Moses

Tracking your TE splash pages to success

Dear reader,

It's a fact that by using multiple traffic exchanges (TE's) you can drive tons of traffic to your site. However, unless you know exactly how to pull targeted hits from this traffic, you will not get much (or any) results. Splash pages are used to extract hits from this traffic. But how do you know that your splash page is getting any attention?

(NOTE: a splash page is a simple attention grabbing web page who's sole purpose is to get the TE surfer to click on your link which takes them to the main site you are promoting)

This is where tracking comes in. You MUST use a URL tracking link on your splash page. Surf the TE's for a couple days and see how many people click out of the TE from your splash page. The number of hits reported will be the number of targeted hits to your main site the TE's have generated. If this number is low, make some changes to your splash page. Surf for a few more days and see if this inceases.

Simply make slight adjustments to your splash page and watch the number of hits reported by your tracking link. Make sure that you generate at least 1000 hits before you make additional changes. Once you're happy with the amount of targeted hits you're getting, stop changing your splash.

And now you have an effective splash page which will get you targeted traffic throughout the traffic exchanges!

Hopefully this helps you get better results. And on a side note, to do this you need to have your own website and domain so that you can edit your squeeze page. Or you can use a service like splashpagemaker dot com

Daniel Duverge

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
